How do I extend the expiration of an assignment in Prep as an Administrator?

How do I extend the expiration of an assignment in Prep as an Administrator?

If you are an admin on the Prep platform, please continue.

To extend an assignment for a student that is already invited please complete the steps below. 


  • The steps below can only be performed with certain user roles.
  • If you are a professor but you do not have the correct access level, please contact your school/company administrator to request to upgrade your access level.


  • Select 'Assignments' from the top menu.
  • Go to the line of the assignment you need to extend.
  • Click on the number under the invited column
    • This will bring up a list of the students that have been invited to the interview
  • Click the 'edit' icon to the left of the student’s name
  • Enter the new expiration date and click update
    • Note: Students that have already been invited will need to have their extensions updated one at a time. 
  • To extend the assignment’s due date for future invitees to the assignment go to the line of the assignment you need to extend.
  • Click the 'Edit' button to the right of the assignment
  • Go to the Due Date Field and adjust the assignment date and time as needed.
    • Note: 12:00 AM is the first minute of the day and will cause the assignment to be unavailable to any student for the remainder of that date.  To provide the full day to complete the assignment it is recommended you choose 11:59 PM.
  • Click 'Next'
  • On the next page, you can update the Message to Recipients and invite new students to the assignment if you would like to.
  • Select 'Edit'
    • Note: This method will not affect the expiration date of students that have already been invited to the assignment.

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